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Notice: The Rayder Enrichment Foundation has dissolved and funds are now available through the Rayder Enrichment Endowment for Student Success at the Charlevoix Community Foundation. 

We Focus On



Our mission is to enrich the educational experience of students by funding learning opportunities that would otherwise not be possible given state & federal school funding levels. Funds raised by the Foundation will support the schools in areas such as: enhanced educational programming, cultural arts, and donor direct scholarships.


There are four main categories for which we receive applications: health and wellness, science and math, fine arts, and language and humanities.


The funds raised by the Foundation are separate and will augment, but not replace, the generous support provided by booster clubs, PTOs, and other organizations that are so important to our schools.


What is the Rayder Enrichment Foundation?

In 1987, community leaders established the Rayder Enrichment Foundation (formerly the Charlevoix Schools Foundation) as a non-profit organization separate from the school system, but existing to ensure its continued excellence.


The Foundation is directed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised from the community-at-large and teacher representatives. The Superintendent of Charlevoix Public Schools serves as an ex-officio member.


How does the Foundation work?

The Foundation collects contributions and holds the funds in an endowment managed by the Charlevoix Community Foundation. Grant spending is limited to a percentage of the interest income and is available for programs and activities that support the Foundation’s mission, with approval by the Foundation’s Board.


By having a Foundation with an endowment that manages funds in a prudent manner and safeguards the assets, our schools have support for the future as well as today.

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